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Curriculum Vitae

My Skills

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Vik Mascaro
Designer of Games and Interactive Media

Game Design and Live-Ops:

  • Design of game mechanics and gameplay;

  • Level design;

  • Narrative design;

  • Balancing;

  • UI/UX research, design and testing;

  • Playtesting;

  • Pitching to different departments, stakeholders and clients;

  • Documentation.


My Game Design Process:
(may vary according to project needs)

  • Scope definition

    • ​​Strong communication with growth, analytics, ads, marketing, CSR, art and dev teams;

  • Discovery

    • Analysis of game, player and market data to feed the elaboration of game design hypothesis and user stories for product development;

  • Exploration

    • Design of wireframes and player journey maps, prototyping (paper, digital and engines - mostly Unity) and dynamic system simulations (mostly Machinations);

  • Delivery

    • Documentation of game features, breaking down the feature into MVP and future iterations, elaboration of dev and art tasks, description of analytics and remote config requirements;

  • Production

    • Tracking of the development process, giving constant feedback to the dev and art teams, as well as collecting feedback from both internal and external public in order to iterate in the design and production processes;

  • Release

    • ​Tracking of feature release, communication on the release to all interested departments, tracking of feature performance data to feed further development and/or modification of the feature.


Creation of guidelines:

  • Data driven game design;

  • UI/UX styleguides;

  • Level design.

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